You Can Save Your Relationship and Marriage
* Your lover or your spouse has been having an extramarital affair, or seeing somebody other than yourself...
* Your lover or spouse is leaving you, and you are feeling broken hearted and lonely...
* You and your lover or spouse are fighting and quarreling almost everyday, and you are wondering why both of you cannot be the way you once were...
* You long for the return of a lost love...
Now I want to tell you, Yes! You can bring back the love of your life!...
No matter how stubborn the resistance, no matter how far this person may be from you, no matter how hopeless your situation appears! I'll teach you the time-tested and proven strategies in this ebook which you can learn and apply right away to improve your love relationship! 3 very important and profound Principles you must know first if you really, really, really want to win back the one you love! o Human beings only want what they do not have.
o Human beings resist things which control or restrict them.
o Human beings love themselves more than anything else.
To start off, you have to first learn and remember the above very important principles regarding human nature.
To a certain extent, these principles apply to everyone, including you and me! 3 very important things you must not do if you seriously want to retrieve your lover (1) Do not show that you are craving for your spouse's or lover's presence.
No matter how much you want your lover or your spouse to be by your side, or to be back by your side, more craving and clinging will only make that person even more tired and sick of seeing you or being with you.
Instead, cultivate the attitude, habit and behavior such that you do not need that person to be around for your happiness or joy.
You really do not need another person's presence or approval to experience happiness and peace.
If you learn to cultivate this type of attitude and habit, you will find that your lover will be the ones who would become scared! They would become fearful of losing you! Remember the principle : Humans tend to want what they do not have! (2) If your lover or spouse is seeing someone other than yourself, do not stop them seeing other people! Have a rival around? Here's what you must do.
Do not stop your partner seeing other people.
If you complain, and whine, and nag, I can tell you, the more they will want to see the other person! Why? They can't stand your complaining, and whining, and nagging! If you want to stop them from having something that they want, all the more they will want it! Humans tend to want what they do not have.
So, if you try to stop them seeing another person, all the more they will want to be with that person! To them, it'll be such a challenge if you try to stop them.
If they ever win that person, they'll feel victorious about it! And guess what, you are the one challenging them that they will not have what they want! Remember, fighting to win back the one you love almost guarantee your failure.
So, what you have to do is to give them freedom of choice! Let them feel that you are the better person to be around with than your rival since you respect their freedom and their choices! (3) Do not restrict your lover or your spouse Humans tend to resist things or people who control or restrict them! Respect your partner's decisions or wishes to do whatever he/she wants to do during a particular day or during a particular time.
If he/she wants to go out with somebody else today, let them be! If he/she does not want to see you today, let them be! The more you do not give them your attention, guess what, they'll want your attention back! They'll start missing it! And they'll desperately want it back.
On the other hand, the more you give them attention, the more they'll feel that you want to control them, to restrict them, and the result is, they'll resist it, they'll fight back! This will only hurt the relationship between the two of you.
What if you have faithfully follow the advice and strategies of all the above but is still not able to change the mind of your partner, or bring him/her back? If this is the case, then don't despair! There is still something you can do and which this article does not cover.
If you need more details, just try go to my website.