Filing For Divorce
After going through the series of emotional turmoil and mental dilemma and ultimately arriving to the decision of getting divorce is followed by the process of filing for divorce.
In fact, the proper way of filing for divorce becomes a challenge for many spouses as most of them are unfamiliar with the divorce laws.
Generally, people appoint lawyers to go a head with the divorce proceeding.
Now days, the internet has turned out to be the source of information on the divorce laws and an effective medium for common citizens to get themselves educated with the divorce filing proceedings.
The following are some steps mentioned that are to be taken up while filing for divorce.
Filing for Divorce Steps oBefore filing, you should make sure of arranging all the paper works including your personal, professional or business documents.
Make a list of all the joint ownership of properties, assets and income accumulation with your spouse.
Collect the deeds and the mortgage contracts of these assets along with proofs and accounts of the joint debts.
Update yourself with the latest joint account records, retirement plans and such other legal documents.
oWhile filing for divorce you are recommended to make some stern decisions on certain aspects of the divorce like the type of divorce you want to seek for, contested or a mutual one, the child custody, the divorce alimony and such.
oThough the cost of filing for divorce varies from one US state to another but it is generally not less than $100.
There is no such law stating the involvement of an attorney while filing but you are advised to consult with him before submitting the petition to the law court.
The attorney can actually help you by explaining the terms and condition of the entire divorce procedure in detail.
oThe divorce file has to be submitted to the district court.
For divorce file submission one can select a district court of his or her own choice provided certain norms are fulfilled.
The person can file a case to a court under whose jurisdiction he or she had last resided along with the other spouse.
One can also choose the court of the state where the marriage was solemnized.
You are also open to file a divorce case to the district court under whose jurisdiction the respondent presently resides.
The petitioner can file for the divorce in the court of the district where he or she is presently residing provided the state where the other spouse is residing has no provision of the Special Marriage Act.