Tired of Playing Leap Frog With Cheaters? Here"s How to Make a Man Fall in Love and Never Leave
Or so you thought.
The months roll by and the ugly truth is revealed.
You find you've given your heart to yet another man who has abused it, broken it, and cheated on you with another woman.
What will it take to find a man who will fall in love with you and never want to leave? If you want to capture a man's heart so he never wants to leave, then you need to connect with him on a deep level.
This requires understanding what men want, what men need, how they communicate, and how they think.
When you delve into things and take a closer look, you'll find men and women are very different.
First, men need to feel accepted and admired for who they are, not who you want them to be.
Never make the mistake of falling in love with a man's potential.
If your female intuition senses something is wrong early in the relationship, don't convince yourself you can change him.
If you try, he'll only resent you for it.
If you want to keep a man, make sure he knows all the things you admire about him.
A second way to connect with a man on a deep level and make him fall in love with you is to help him feel successful.
Men strive to be successful just as women strive to be beautiful.
The reason for this is society judges men by their success and women by their beauty.
Make a man feel successful as a boyfriend, husband, father, partner, and lover and he'll always want you by his side.
Third, you must communicate with men using logic, not emotions.
Most men don't know how to deal with emotions.
Emotions of any kind whether of their own or someone else's make them feel uncomfortable and they shut down.
In the same way, understand men will have a difficult time expressing their emotions to you through words.
If you want to know how he feels about you, look at his actions.
Little things like fixing your car, taking out the garbage, killing the spider on the wall, and even sex are all ways men express their love for you.
If you want a man to see you as the only woman in the world, then he must feel you offer him something no one else can.
This requires having a deep understanding of men so you can know exactly what to do and say that will make him feel like an incredible man.
He must feel like he can completely be himself around you without the fear that you will try and change him.
He needs to feel like you enrich his life without detracting from the things he loves like his work, his buddies, and his hobbies.