Save My Marriage Today: Don"t Accept Failure!
Written by well-known and respected relationship expert Amy Waterman, Save My Marriage Today is an easy-to-follow, practical guide used by thousands worldwide to make their marriages better than ever before. Best of all, you can start using its proven strategies immediately.
You'll learn:
What to do if the love has gone out of your marriage
If your marriage is headed for divorce--and what you can do about it
Why people grow apart and how you can stay close to your mate
Why begging your partner to stay only makes him or her leave
What you must stop doing immediately to save your relationship
What to do to recover trust after an extra-marital affair
How to stop blaming and start communicating
Why showing all your emotions is actually making things worse
How to show your partner respect and get it in return
Why a healthy relationship means giving each other space
Why you have to change yourself before you can change your relationship
Your marriage is important--don't let it fail! Even if you're the only one who wants to work on it, let Save My Marriage Today show you how you can create the happy relationship you've always wanted and gain inner peace, too. Your marriage is on the line. Save it today!