Great "Can"t Miss" Marriage Proposal Ideas
Sure, you're excited to ask her to marry you, but at the same time there's that little bit of nagging doubt tucked away in the back of your mind.
Not to worry, there are some fantastic ways to propose that will all but guarantee that she says yes.
The romantic dinner proposal idea - This is a classic, but it's not for nothing that it is so popular.
If you really want it to be a smashing success, you'll have to spice it up a bit though.
There are a few things you can add to any situation that will make it more romantic, and your marriage proposal is definitely one time where you want as much romance as you can get.
Just about all women love romance, and this is surely the time to give it to them.
Some great things to incorporate into your dinner are a spectacular sunset, and ocean view, a crackling fire, and twinkling stars overhead.
The top of the mountain idea - Proposing to your girlfriend out in the vastness of a major mountain range is a great idea if she's into the outdoors and outdoor activity.
Go to one of the major ski areas, preferably in the Rocky Mountains, the Sierra's, Alps, or one of the other ski areas with real mountains.
At the top of many of these areas you have an unmatched view, with the mountain range peaks stretching before you.
Drop to one knee in the snow and ask her, with the spectacle of the mountains behind you.
On the train idea - Many paces have scenic dinner trains.
These romantic conveyances transport you through spectacular scenery and serve a nice dinner.
What a perfect place for a proposal! If you're the planning type, you can arrange to have the service staff in on it, and have the ring delivered with one of the dinner courses.
The "Gang's All Here" idea - If she is especially close with her family (and they really like you) and doesn't embarrass easily, arrange to propose at a family gathering such as reunion or family trip.
Be traditional and ask her father beforehand.
When the family is close by, make an announcement, gather everyone around, and drop to one knee.
Pull out the ring and hand it to her as you ask.
The writer's idea - Write her a special poem or a story.
Have it end with one of the main characters (her) getting asked for her hand in marriage by the other main character (you).
Obviously you have to have a modicum of writing skill for this approach to work.
The "Box of Chocolates" idea - Life really could be a box of chocolates, Forrest! Wrap the engagement ring in plastic, then place it back in the ring box.
Dip the box in chocolate, then place the chocolate covered box in with a box of chocolates.
Unless you go for a pretty unusual box of chocolates, the dipped ring box will be the biggest one in there.
Typically, curiosity will get the better of her, and she'll grab that one first.
When she opens it you'll be ready with your proposal.
If she doesn't grab the ring box in the first few she chooses, you may have to help things along at some point.
These are just a few proposal ideas that can help you find that perfect proposal that is worthy of your love for her.
One recent survey found that almost 80% of women were not satisfied with their proposals.
You shouldn't be one of the guys that helped make up that 80%, should you?