Why I Love Tool Belts
Therefore in this article I thought I would share with you some reasons why I love a tool belt and why you should get one too.
Before I had a belt I always just put my tools, nails, and screws in a bucket and hoped that they would not mix.
When I would be working on a project I would find that I would easily misplace a tool or the nail I needed for that specific project.
I knew that there had to be a better way to keep track off all the tool and nails I would be using.
I began researching tool belts and figuring out why everyone needs one.
I then began noticing that there are quite a variety of belts and that some are especially made for different trades.
Although I do not work specifically within one field I found that a general belt would work best for me.
I purchased my belt and it arrived at my house.
Immediately I took the tool belt into my garage and began to load it up with my favorite tools.
A belt is an amazing product for people like me who want to store nails and screws in different pockets versus the big bucket I was using before.
That is reason number one I love a belt over any other traditional method of carrying tools.
Reason number two is now I look like someone who actually knows what they are doing.
When you show up with a tool belt to your neighbors to help them fix a fence you have instant creditability that you can actually help.
Reason number three why I love a tool belt is it makes me feel more manly.
I know this is extremely cheesy but when I put on that tool belt with my large over sized hammer and go out to work on a project I feel more manly.
In the end you may find that a belt is either right or wrong for you, however I can promise you a tool belt will help you better keep track of any project you are working on.
There are a variety of belts in the marketplace today so I suggest you so some research and find the one that best suits you.