Precautions for IPL Hair Removal / Is IPL Hair Removal Treatment Effective?
In order for the treatments to work out just as you have desired, there are certain precautions which one has to follow. The very first thing is to shave the area which is about to undergo IPL hair removal. Waxing, plucking or any other method for hair removal needs to be avoided. Basically the body resists for any other method apart from shaving. As a result to the resistance, the hair grows darker and thicker. This can turn out to be quite troublesome. Make sure that you do not perform any hair removal technique three weeks before and after the treatment.
Once you have shaved the area for IPL hair removal, you need to give it some time. The hairs need to be visible in order to determine whether the treatment was successful or not. To do that, you would need to have hairs of about 1 mm above your skin. Keep in mind that your treatment would be divided over a number of weeks and waxing in between would cause issues for your next coming treatments.
The proper time and intervals of the treatments is not fixed. The treatments vary from one person to another, and depends on three things; hair growth cycle, hair density and area to be treated. The hair grows in about three stages, anagen, catagen and telogen. The hair removal technique via laser would only work for the hairs which are in anagen state. There are many other things which can vary the dating of the treatments, like diet and metabolism. However, the average time for the completion of the treatment takes about 4 to 6 weeks. This much time is required if you want the hair removal to last as much as it can.
As far as the results are concerned, well you would be able to see them right away. However, mostly people start to see them after 2 or 3 weeks of the IPL hair removal treatment. One of the major things which people want to know is that how much painful is the treatment. For those who do not know, it not painful at all. As mentioned above, nothing but the follicle of hair is affected by the laser. A cool gel is applied to neutralize any other heating effect on any other area of the body. You might feel sharp warmth, but that would only be for a fraction of a second.