Professional vs Amateur Videos
The fact is, consumers are becoming more and more sophisticated. And an amateur video is a poor reflection of your company's image. It's not just a matter of having someone stand against a wall and shooting some footage. There's a lot involved in the process, including concepting, scripting, finding talent, lighting and most important - editing. All of these factors come into play in the final outcome of the video you plan on putting on the web.
The first telltale sign that you're watching an amateur production is often the lighting. If it's poorly lit, with too many highlights and shadows - you're probably watching a homemade production. The fact is, like in everything else you get what you pay for. A well-produced video will do more for your company than the cost involved, in terms of image, professionalism and in the return on your investment. Â
Remember, your online video is all part of your image and your brand. That's why using a professional makes sense. You wouldn't want a "do it yourselfer" to take care of your accounting or legal matters. Nor should you want to have a "home-made" video production representing your brand.
A professional video production company can provide everything from the script and talent casting to editing and shooting in their perfectly lit video studio. It's well worth the investment you'll make to have a professional quality video representing your company