Is Network Marketing the Best Work at Home Idea?
The question is: how does one separate the legit ones from the scammers? Even the sites proclaiming to offer unbiased comparisons are scams themselves! It is my opinion that network marketing (aka MLM) is still the safest and easiest way to earn extra money.
Sure, there are some secret shopper programs, inbound customer service jobs, real estate inspection services, and other legit opportunities that you can find.
But none of them will offer the stability and consistency that MLM will.
Now, that being said, not all network marketing companies are created equal and each has characteristics that will determine if a certain type of person will be successful.
Let's face it, you only know so many people.
That means your MLM company has to allow you to be successful even if you only sign up 3 or 4 people.
You also are probably not the evangelical type who holds meetings speaking to hundreds of people.
I would also hope that you are not that lying snake who would sign his grandmother up for 12 cases of juice per month just so you can make a quick dollar.
That means you need an MLM with HONEST leadership.
If you are an average working American, you need to find a company that first of all allows you to break even quickly on your initial investment and your ongoing costs.
The best way to do this is to ASK AROUND.
Current members will always be your best source of information on how things really work.
Each month I research MLM opportunities and present one or two that I find to meet the criteria above.
This month's spotlight will be on: Mandura http://www.
com This company is led by people with strong Christian backgrounds and principles.
While this does not always translate to honesty, their current distributors speak nothing but good things about them.
That is the true test.
The company offers products which actually work and products that the general public might purchase.
This keeps them out of the legal issue of pyramids.
Any YTB or Taverus members out there? Building your business only to have it collapse under government pressure can be devastating.
I interviewed one former member of YTB who switched his team to Mandura and he is now making over $2,000 per month.
The key is that Mandura reps break even on their monthly costs after only five reps sign up beneath them.
With this kind of stability, the downline grows very quickly.
Their unique comp plan also spreads the income around more evenly than your typical top heavy MLM.
They also will not try to profit from you by selling TOOLS.
The only negative to Mandura is the amount of competition: Monavie, Xango, Noni.
These companies have proven that a juice company can be a billion dollar entity, but is there room for one more? Overall rating: 9 out of 10.