Tile Decorating Ideas
- The right pattern can make a tile floor a true work of art.carrelage image by pucci raf from Fotolia.com
When your back or legs or arms are hurting after spending several hours applying designer tile to your home, keep in mind that you are part of a tradition shared by ancient Greek, Japanese and Arabic artisans. Tiles provide a genuinely creative outlet for home design because of the nearly infinite combinations that can be made from the array of shapes, sizes and colors. - If you've got an L-shaped kitchen, your tile design has already been created for you even if you don't recognize it yet. Lay down a series of two-tone vinyl tiles that create a geometric pattern of parallel lines that meet at a right angle at the corner feature of your kitchen.
- Bordering with tiles of different color, shape or size lends a deeper texture to your walls. You can increase this texture by adding depth when you create what the book "Decorating Hints and Tips" calls a deep border. Place your two types of border tiles one on top of the other on top of the standard wall tile to create a border tile. The top tile will look even more impressive if you use a decorative rail molding tiles.
- Tile flooring is omnipresent in American homes. Tiles made from various materials can be found on the entire floor or as just a decorative portion. Usually, floor tile is made from a hard, stone-like substance. You can qualify to be on the cutting edge of a design revolution by using glass tile as flooring in a residential setting. Glass tile is made from reinforced flat glass and is typically only available for domestic use in square-foot panel sections, according to the book "1001 Ideas for Floors." Glass tile that can be used for design accents is available in a number of different colors and features effects like stone texture and translucence.
- Plain single-color tile flooring can make a very stylish impact when used correctly. One way to use plain colored tile is as part a design to mark off one room from other when no other natural boundaries exist. A striking change in color in the tile that indicates you have officially passed from the living room into the dining room or from the home office into the open kitchen and can bring both rooms to life. Experiment with using a transition from one type of flooring to tile if you want the transition to be even more vivid.
- When decorating with tile, it is important to experiment beforehand to get an idea of how to get away from a boring collection of sameness. Turn the tiles in different directions to create a more attention-grabbing geometric pattern. Make a bold statement by using two colors to produce a dramatic stripe effect. A monochromatic effect can be achieved by using tiles of three colors that differ from each other through varying uses of glaze.