How to Get Your Woman Back - Smart Advice to Help You Keep it Simple
Your ex girlfriend has a good memory and she knows what happened in the past, do you? If you try to just bulldoze your way back into her life you are going to fail.
Forget buying flowers and chocolates and thinking everything will be just fine.
She might let you buy her a fancy dinner just so she can really enjoy blasting you out the door again.
Did she dump you or did you dump her when you last were together? It will make a difference in exactly how you approach the strategy of how to get your woman back.
Other things, though, will remain the same.
If this is the woman you truly love and want in your life then you probably know what things about you she did and did not like.
You need to enhance the things she likes and reduce those she does not.
When you are ready to approach her with the information that you still love her and want to see her again, take pen to paper and hand write a note telling her so.
Begin by telling her that you miss having her in your life and you are making progress on - you fill in the blank - those things you know she wants to see differently about you.
You want to show not just interest in her; after all, if she is attractive a lot of guys might have interest in her, you want her to know that she is special to you and why.
Maybe it is the way you feel when she is around and that you never feel so good any other time.
Be sincere in absolutely everything you write, and definitely keep a copy.
When you do get to see her again, you want to make sure that you know the note better than she does! Be ready to go into more detail on what you love about her; if she does not ask, find an excuse to tell her.
If you want to get your woman back you will have to show her that you are not just attracted to her, not just in love with her, but that she is special above all others in a way that only she can be to you.
You need to be able to offer her a feeling of security, respect, admiration and appreciation that she just will not find elsewhere.
I mentioned that you should keep it simple, and that is what I mean.
Express your true feelings, from the heart and do not attempt to deceive her with clever words or expensive gifts.
She can see through any of that nonsense, and if she is worth having, she will be smart enough to give you the boot for good if you try to fool her.