How To Recycle Batteries The Easy Way
1. Nickel cadmium batteries that get used up wind up in the landfill by buying rechargeable batteries you take yourself and your family out of this chain of events. One rechargeable has the life span of over 300 regular single use batteries.
2. Use an online locator to find places near you that will take your old batteries for reclamation. By recycling these batteries you prevent the harmful substances from ever going into the earth. Some stores even have battery boxes for this purpose . 3. Recycle the batteries from your cell phones, laptops and cordless phones. All of the cordless items that we use have batteries in them. The average person throws away at least 8-10 of these items a year and along with them the batteries inside.
4. Car batteries are the ones that started the entire recycling craze. Your dealer or mechanic will be able to get dead batteries to the right reclamation center.
5. Some of the nickel cadmium batteries will have a recycling logo on them. These batteries were originally designed to be recycled alkaline batteries are not.
The lead acid in batteries is so harmful to the environment and to humans that they cannot be allowed to sit in a landfill. That is why more than 97% of them are being recycled every year. 50% of the lead supply today comes from this source. Only a small portion of the batteries from cordless devices gets recycled but the push is on to make the consumer more aware and set up collection centers for these batteries.It is all about stopping the hazardous materials inside from getting into the soil and from there the water table. Although some batteries pose less of a threat we would like to see all batteries as a part of the recycling effort. We will never get away from the use of lead batteries entirely but we can take greater care of how they are disposed of. Anything one can do to save the environment, whether it be using a solar fountains or rain barrels, or just recycle the batteries correctly, it goes long way to keep our planet Earth in a healthy ecological condition.