What Is The Best Way To Keep My Air Clean
Understand that air-conditioning contractors are interested in promoting clean indoor air, but are very limited by people who sometimes consider better air filtration to be an unnecessary expense, or builders who desire their new home to have better fixtures and appliances than clean air.
A flood of air cleaners is available today in the market spanning from high technology that is proven to lower airborne particulates and technology that is simply mass marketed to the public.
What filter is best? Is my iconic breeze really suitable for my allergies? Is my investing in a high-end electronic air cleaner, or a true HEPA air cleaner, or simply better filters such as electrostatic filters or pleated filters, going to improve substantially the air quality in my home? While all of the above mentioned air cleaners can have an impact in improving air quality they vary tremendously in the degree of efficiency.
For many years electronic air cleaners led the forefront as being cutting edge for their removal of small particulates from the air stream including even particles as small as pollen and micro particles less than .
3 microns (µ) in size.
What was not well discussed about these forms of air cleaners is although they had a 99% or greater initial efficiency rating within 30 days their rating plummeted because it was extremely important to keep the collectors cells clean for them to continue with a high efficiency.
The same holds true today for any type of air cleaner that requires electrostatic charging of particles.
The vast majority of homes built today still feature what the air-conditioning industry humorously calls "boulder catchers" for filters.
These blue disposable filters are good at best for the removal of large chunks of air debris such as pet dander, hair, or carpet fibers, and only increase in their overall efficiency when they become thoroughly clogged creating a resistance for smaller particles but at a sacrifice of the operating efficiency of the cooling system.
So the question is what air cleaning system should I use? The answer is complex and is really based on what you want to remove from the air.
Pollens because of their light airborne nature have a tendency to stay suspended in air longer and thus are more effectively removed by air cleaners than particles of dust that may be of larger size and heavy enough to fall from the air without ever even reaching any type of air cleaner.
This is one reason why room air cleaners such as stand alone HEPA filters are much more effective in homes with allergy sufferers because the removal of heavier particles from the air can be concentrated in an area before the particles fall to the ground and are no longer able to reach the return air grill of the heating and cooling system.
One of the concerns with the quality of indoor air is can the pollutant even be removed by an air cleaner? If you are allergic to certain types of molds than the probable culprit is not the mold itself but what the mold gives off as part of its lifecycle which are called mycotoxins.
These off gassings of mold are not typically caught by indoor air cleaners and as a result can be a source of irritation even though you may invest in one of the highest quality air cleaners in the market.
If you have mold related allergies other strategies are needed other than just air filtration.
When investing in any type of air cleaning system that is attached to the air-conditioning or heating system is imperative that your contractor designed the system for the additional reduction of airflow.
As the filter while being efficient at the removal of airborne particulates in the airflow they can because of their greater resistance to airflow reduce the overall efficiency of an air conditioner if they are not accounted for in the initial design.
Electrostatic air filters can also dramatically reduce the airflow in an air-conditioning system if they are used in multiple return air grills in a home without consideration in the initial design.
This means that the average homeowner can not go to the home repair retail store and buy higher efficiency air filtration and simply stick it in their home without it having future ramifications.
So the answer to the question what air filter is best for me depends on what type of particulate you are trying to remove from the air.
Are you allergic to molds, grass or tree pollens, pet dander, dust mites, or other forms of airborne irritants? Many off-the-shelf filtration systems that standalone may lend some relief to typical allergy user who suffers from pollens that stay airborne longer, but for truly cleaner air consult with your air conditioning and heating specialist.
Make sure that they have additional training in the area of indoor air quality (IAQ) as it is not a required subject for heating and air conditioning contractors to study.
Many contractors have obtained certification as C.
s which means certified indoor environmentalists and are much better qualified to assist you in making the proper selection for clean indoor air.
Simply investing in whatever air cleaner is on the market today will probably be a waste of your money if it is not suitable for the type of material you need removed from your air.
Making the air in your home comfortable for you if you suffer from allergies or asthma really requires consultation with an expert in this field.
Spend time researching on the Internet, asking questions of your doctor, who may or may not have the proper answer, and consult with a properly trained air conditioning specialist for advice on what is the best way to approach the problem you have.
Oh and one more thing, throw away your indoor vacuum cleaner.
They are a major source of airborne irritants.
If you can afford it and it is feasible install a vacuum system where the actual vacuum cleaner resides in the garage or outside.
This one step alone can dramatically reduce the amount of airborne irritants even if you do not have carpet throughout your house in an attempt to reduce allergens.