Get Creative With Electric Fireplace Inserts
Besides providing your family with a toasty environment in which to relax in, they also can aid with cooking food, and function as a centerpiece in a living area.
As great as they are, there are some serious flaws with them, and this is indicated by how few are in use today.
The ratio of people to active fireplaces is much lower than it was hundreds of years ago.
Why is this? As we constantly become smarter and more efficient, it is common practice for old methods to become less and less useful.
A traditional fireplace, while being great for thousands of years, is just not as practical as it once was in comparison to what we have available today.
Ignoring the safety concerns, they are simply not very efficient while remaining very expensive.
What is an electric fireplace insert? If you have an existing fireplace in your home, yet never use it, there's a product out there just for you.
Instead of chopping down logs, fighting with a flue, and stoking a fire all night long, you could be taking advantage of a product known as an electric fireplace insert.
These devices are, basically, super space heaters.
But in reality, they are so much more.
Being specially designed to fit into preexisting fireplaces, electric fireplace inserts are perfect for those who wish they made use of their fireplace more often.
Heat and atmosphere An electric fireplace insert turns electricity into heat by running it through heating coils.
The air around these coils becomes piping hot as a result of this, and this air is then blown outwards by a fan inside of the insert.
This is a very efficient method of providing heat, and in many ways, precisely simulates what a real fireplace does.
On top of the heat it provides, electric fireplace inserts also can be fitted with fake logs, coals, and so on.
This allows you and your family to not only enjoy a steady stream of warm air, but also the visuals that are typically associated with a real fireplace.
How do you install electric fireplace inserts? It's really, really simple.
The instructions are very straightforward, but in a nutshell, you lay the device in your fireplace and secure it with brackets.
After securing it in place, you don't ever have to touch it again, unless you want to take out it!