Should I Buy Or Hire AV Or PA?
After all, you buy rather than rent when it comes to so many other things in your life.
Home, car, etc, so then why wouldn't the same principles apply here.
The fact is that they don't, so read on and you'll soon understand why.
Our first consideration is cost.
The fact is that it costs a huge amount of money today to purchase a "top of the line" full featured system today.
Most likely more than you realize.
This in turn is going to force you into making compromises where you hadn't considered that you might have to.
Rent and you can afford the system you have in mind.
Or you maybe want to consider renting part of your system and buying the other.
It's just another way to cut through the compromise issue while you gradually work yourself into full ownership.
For instance, you can start out buying the least expensive components and renting the rest.
Another thing to consider is obsolescence.
It's the same problem with just about any type of electronics gear that you can buy today.
No sooner do you get it home and get it paid for then something newer and better comes on the market.
Also nowhere is this issue more glaring than with AV and PA equipment.
Another benefit of renting audio visual or public address equipment is that it's just so much easier to upgrade.
Even if your components haven't become obsolete, you most likely will want to make changes and adjustments along the way.
Now when you buy and own you're pretty much stuck with what you have.
However; when you rent, it's a simple as returning what you have for something else that better suits your needs.
Of course then there is the issue of maintenance, breakdowns and malfunctions.
If you don't know it yet, you will eventually will and that is that AV and PA equipment is notorious for going on the blink at the most inopportune times.
Just when you need it to function flawlessly, something goes out on it.
Remember that if you own it, it's your problem but if you're renting it, it's someone else's broken equipment.
Rather than making arrangements for someone to find the problem then find the parts to repair it, when you rent, you simply call the place you rented it from and tell them to come pick it up and bring a replacement while they're at it.