White Easter Flowers
- Narcissus bulbs are forced for Easter blooms.Dynamic Graphics/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Easter is filled with tradition from church ceremonies and family dinners to colored eggs and flowers. White is the traditional color of flowers given at Easter and represents purity, truth and cleansing. White Easter flowers are available from local florists, grocery stores and other retail stores. You can also grow many of the flowers at home from bulbs. - Easter lilies in bloom.lily with dew image by MPH from Fotolia.com
Easter lilies grow from a bulb which is subjected to favorable growing conditions for spring blooming. The difficulty in making the bulbs bloom is that Easter never falls on the same day. Once the flowers start blooming, growers ship the plants to various markets for retail sales. Keep your Easter lily for years by transplanting the bulb outdoors in U.S. hardiness zones 4 through 8. Cut the flower stalk back and let the leaves grow, gradually decreasing the water. Cut the leaves back and plant the bulb when weather permits. The Easter lily will bloom the following spring. - Narcissus are also called paper-whites.narcissus 25 image by Andrew Buckin from Fotolia.com
Another forced bulb you can plant outdoors is the narcissus. Narcissus bulbs prefer full sun and well drained soil. Cut the blooms when they start to fade but leave the green leaves. Once the leaves turn brown, cut them back. Plant the bulbs 4 to 8 inches deep outdoors in the fall. Narcissus bulbs are hardy in zones 4 to 8. - Freesia in bloomWhite freesia on green background image by Marek Kosmal from Fotolia.com
Freesia is native to South Africa and grows in U.S. hardiness zones 9 through 11. For northern climates, white freesia corms -- the bulblike portion at the bottom of the plants -- grow indoors in containers. Plant several corms in an equal mixture of potting soil, sand and peat moss, in August for spring blooms. Keep the freesia in a cool place, with the temperature between 45 to 55 F. Once the stems appear, move the freesia to a sunny location. After the blooms are spent, allow the leaves to die back and remove the corms from the planter and let them dry. Store the freesia corms in a cool, dark place until the following growing season.