Sheep Fall Replay
As the trailer hit the cattle grid, I felt in myself that something wasn't right, and to my shock one of the sheep slipped over the edge and went under the back tyre of the trailer. I told the other occupants of the vehicle, but no one seemed very concerned and we just kept driving.
A few years later I was on a bus, again travelling toward Armidale on that very same road. With the above experience well and truly forgotten by now, I was gazing out of my window as the bus passed the homestead where I had witnessed the sheep being run over by its carrier when, to my utter disbelief, I saw the exact same event take place once again! The same ute towing a trailer full of sheep and one falling over the edge and being run over as the ute crossed the cattle grid.
To this day I still don't know if it was by pure million-to-one chance that I just happened to be passing that spot on two separate occasions at exactly the right time to witness what coincidentally might have happened twice to the driver of that ute, or whether I was seeing a ghostly apparition or some kind of time warp anomaly.
One day I may just call into that homestead to query the owners about it.
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