Pharma jobs and the future outlook of the industry
Pharma jobs range from marketing to research which makes it possible for various professionals, with qualifications centric to pharmaceuticals, avail job openings that help them nurture their skills and emerge as seasoned professionals in the domain of pharma.
Those with post graduate degree or a post doctoral degree have varied scope in research and development verticle of pharma jobs. Those with specialized education in any of the domains of science, can take up pharma jobs that are for the positions of research and development and offer them challenging avenues to emerge as experts in their domain of research.
Those who are from the management sector, can aim for roles in marketing and sales domain of pharma jobs. Territory sales manager, regional manager, area sales manager; are some of the ranks offered to management professionals. Pharma jobs in the marketing function are known to offer fast paced promotions across profiles and lucrative performance based incentives, which are generally higher than the monthly remuneration.
Professionals with education in production or mechanical engineering, are offered pharma jobs in the manufacturing segment. Here, qualified engineers are absorbed to oversee various tasks of production like; production management, scheduling, production volumes and production infrastructure.
The educational qualifications essential for pharma jobs is a graduate degree, however for roles in R&D, one would need a post doctoral degree to get started. As far as roles in sales in concerned, a graduate degree will help you getting hired for a pharma job, nevertheless, a management degree in sales or marketing will multiply your earning potential and shall boost your prospects of reaching to the top of your career ladder in pharma jobs.
The future outlook of the company is bright and promising. A recent report by McKinsey & Company has the findings that the industry has grown at a rate of 13 to 14 percent in the last 5 years. And the report also mentions that the industry will stand at USD 55 billion by 2020 and can be compared to the pharma industries of US, Japan and China.
The forecast does suggest the underlying opportunities that will emerge with time and as a professional in the pharma domain, it would be more easier for you to grow with the industry paralerly along with the growth in your profession. Once the industry will position itself as a global leader, your job prospects around the globe will get enhanced, as the experience that you will posses would be of extreme real value in the pharmaceuticals sector of various other nations. Â