Why You Are Not Making Money Cash Gifting
For all of the talk about how gifting programs are a scam, I started off a few months ago and am doing OK. No, I am not receiving thousands daily, I never really expected that, but I am helping others and I am receiving gifts myself, but what I really like about my program is that I have had to learn how to market effectively.
For the last year I have learned more about article marketing, press releases, pay per click, and forum posting than I ever thought I would. I have changed how I look at the Internet and even cash gifting, but I will always be grateful for the opportunity to learn as much as I have about Internet marketing and I owe all of that to my gifting program.
So, since I am and have been receiving a gift or two does that mean I am one of those scammers that preys upon the weak and less fortunate like so many critics of gifting would say? Of course not, I have learned the basics of marketing online and, more importantly I might ad, I have a work ethic that most people do not. Of course, when you hate your career you already have some motivation to work your butt off.
While I still enjoy my program I must also admit that I do not push the gifting activity like I used to and as a result, I am seeing things slowing a bit, but that is OK. Like I said, I will always be grateful for my gifting program because I had to learn how to market it and this forced me to learn about Internet marketing in general and that has been something I have been able to take with me.
Look, if you are asking yourself why you are not making money cash gifting, then what you really need to focus on is why you are not working hard enough. I don't care what anyone says, you need to cut through the hype and realize that this Internet stuff is work! Bottom line is that massive results come from massive action. So stop buying the whole "I just work 30 minutess a day bullsh*t," and put the nose to the grindstone. That is exactly what it will take to generate some gifts for yourself. Remember, the fruits come after the labor, not before.