List Building Tips - The 5 Questions to Ask to Dramatically Improve Your List Building Efforts
We are going to cover exactly what you need to do in order to turn things around and start building a list from scratch...
starting today! The first thing you need to do is ask yourself 5 very important questions to assess what you need to change and what you need to keep doing.
Here are the questions you need to ask yourself during your self-assessment: Do You Have an Opt-In Form on Every Page? - If you do not have an opt-in form on every page of your website, you could be missing out on grabbing a lot of traffic.
If a visitor comes to you from a Google search and gets taken to one page and likes what they see, what happens next? Chances are they will leave your site.
If you had an opt-in box on the page, they may have signed up to your email list.
Do You Have a Squeeze or Lead Capture Page? - There is a reason why most big-time internet marketers have a squeeze page or freebie giveaway offer as the home page on their websites - they work.
A squeeze page or lead capture page as they are also called is a great way to force your site visitors to give you their name and email address.
Are You Targeting Enough? - Sometimes we go too broad in our definition of our ideal customer or the topic we are writing about.
When you narrow your niche and the people you are going after, you automatically will find that your sign-up rates skyrocket.
Are You Building Relationships? - Most marketers are in it for the short-term, as in they just want to make money immediately.
This is the wrong attitude to have.
If you want to build a successful online business and make money online for life, then you need to focus on building relationships with your readers.
If you are not helping them with great quality content and helping them solve their problems then you are likely to have an unresponsive list.
Are You Being Consistent? - Making money online takes work.
This is the dirty little secret most internet marketers do not tell you because they are afraid you will not buy their $2,000 home study course which promises endless online income for doing very little work.
I am here to tell you that building an online business takes work and dedication.
If you are not putting in the hours to learn how to market online and build your business based on sound business practices, you will never build a huge list or make money online.
You will just waste a ton of money on some of those worthless coaching programs and high-ticket seminars.
How to Build a List and Make Money Online - How to Turn Things Around Starting Today So how do you go from making one or more of the above mistakes and completely turning things around so you can start building a hyper-responsive list from scratch? Easy, you go through each of the above questions and start doing what you should have been doing from the start.
Go ahead and put an opt-in box on every page, set up your squeeze page (or optimize it), get super targeted, build relationships with your readers by treating them like humans and not just numbers and lastly, work hard.
Put in the hours and the efforts and then you can finally and legitimately be like those guru sales letters - sipping margaritas on the beach and having checks deposited into your bank account on autopilot! Again, I am not going to sugar-coat things.
You need to take daily, consistent action to be successful and make money online.
Start taking action today.
You have a very big and profitable list that is waiting for you the moment you start taking action on your dreams!