10 Things to Know About Zachary Taylor
1. Descendant of William Brewster
Zachary Taylor's family could trace their roots directly to the Mayflower and William Brewster. Brewster was a key separatist leader and preacher in the Plymouth Colony. Taylor's father had served in the American Revolution.
2. Career Military Officer
Taylor never attended college, having been taught by a number of tutors. He joined the military and served from 1808-1848 when he became president.3. Participated in the War of 1812
Taylor was part of the defense of Fort Harrison in Indiana during the War of 1812. During the war, he attained the rank of major. After the war he was soon promoted up to the rank of colonel.
4. Black Hawk War
In 1832, Taylor saw action in the Black Hawk War. Chief Black Hawk led Sauk and Fox Indians in the Indiana Territory against the US Army.5. Second Seminole War
Between 1835 and 1842, Taylor fought in the Second Seminole War in Florida. In this conflict, Chief Osceola led the Seminole Indians in an effort to avoid migrating west of the Mississippi River. They had previously agreed to this in the Treaty of Paynes Landing. It was during this war that Taylor was given his nickname "Old Rough and Ready" by his men.
6. Mexican War Hero
Taylor became a war hero during the Mexican War. This started as a border dispute between Mexico and Texas. General Taylor was sent by President James K. Polk in 1846 to protect the border at the Rio Grande. However, Mexican troops attacked, and Taylor defeated them despite have fewer men. This action led to a declaration of war. Despite successfully attacking the city of Monterrey, Taylor gave the Mexicans a two-month armistice which upset president Polk. Taylor led US forces at the Battle of Buena Vista, defeating Mexican general Santa Anna's 15,000 troops with 4,600. Taylor used his success at this battle as part of his campaign for the presidency in 1848.