If You Want to Learn Spanish Fast and Free, What is the Best Way?
The thought of reconnecting with a relative from another country, or being fluent in the language of the country you're visiting is a tempting one.
The problem? Most of these programs cost several hundred dollars, and usually that's only for the first part or half! If you've been affected by the economy, as I have, you just don't have that kind of change lying around.
To top it off, most of us are so busy working these days to keep afloat that we don't have time to sit down and study regularly.
Time has become a commodity for most of us! If learning Spanish is a must, then it simply must be done in a shorter amount of time.
The good news is that learning Spanish fast and free is an option.
The internet provides endless resources to the person who is willing to seek them out.
If you're really serious about learning for free, the first thing to look for is a Spanish tutorial or program that offers a free trial period or set of lessons.
Rocket Spanish has a free six day course available that includes three audio lessons, as well as the corresponding grammar and culture lessons.
Visual Link Spanish will let you take their first three lessons online for no charge at all.
Obviously, the point of such promotions is to get you to sign up for the entire course.
However, these can be a useful free tool to help you get started down the right path.
Once you've completed them, you'll have a better idea of how to continue on your own.
Search the internet for "Spanish vocabulary".
This will bring up a number of sites with Spanish dictionaries you can use.
If you have a certain reason for learning Spanish, such as traveling to Spain or Mexico, you can look up words that you'll use while you're there.
Similarly, you can search for English to Spanish translators that will convert whole sentences or phrases into Spanish for you.
This can be helpful as well if you have specific conversations in mind that you would like to prepare for.
You can check your local library for a good Spanish book.
The downside to books is that, although they may be very informative, they often don't help you pronounce what you're learning correctly.
This may be embarrassing when you first speak Spanish in public! Check eBay or Craigslist to see if anyone is selling their old Spanish programs or audio cassettes or CD's.
You may be able to find a great deal on somebody's old top-of-the-line tutorial.
The only problem with these is that they often prove to be not quite as portable as what is available today.
Even if you absolutely must learn Spanish fast and free, I would at least consider purchasing a good, comprehensive Spanish software package.
There are so many available that do not cost hundreds of dollars.
Actually, many of the best programs available today cost less than one hundred dollars.
I think you'll find that whatever you spend on learning Spanish, you will make up in time saved and the enjoyment you find in learning in a fun and efficient way.
If you still feel that you cannot spend money, then you'll have to make do with the free resources online and at your library.
Whatever way you decide to go, I hope learning Spanish is something that you'll be glad you did.
I know you'll continue to benefit from it throughout your life.