Sexy SEO Gets You Noticed
Of course any business relies on developing positive relationships with customers, but the other side of your online visibility is getting yourself noticed online and becoming 'sexy' to the search engines.
Thorough key word research is a crucial to this first step in your internet marketing; fail to put in the time here and your profits will suffer; you may as well be telling your customers to ignore you, because that is what will happen! Make your web-site distinct and unique for Google to reward you with a higher ranking and profile online.
What you say and how you say it in your web pages and in your advertising campaigns which send people there very much reflect what you are selling and who you are.
Internet marketing is very effective when you work with consistency, input over time, and (CRUCIALLY) patience.
Over 1 Million new people use the Internet daily, so proper placing of your well-ranked, throughout your website and other offline and online marketing campaigns will be sure to hit your ideal customers hot buttons, but most importantly, attract their attention enough to act on your information.
Business owners looking to generate leads online should aim to get 100 results daily for each keyword that you optimise your pages for.
Regardless of whether you are prioritising online marketing with Google AdWords, social media, or using Search Engine Optimization, your aim is to get the best Return on Investment when putting together your keyword campaigns.
The most profitable keywords are ones that are defined specifically with what your targeted audience is looking for in mind.
Wordtracker toolbar can help you in this aspect of your research.
Similarly, if your site is hosted by e.
GoDaddy, you can track your metrics.
In my keyword research, I use the free Google Keyword tool and tend to ignore any keywords which have less than 500 global searches, although other online marketers are happy with less.
Certainly how highly competitive a keyword is should be part of your formula for selecting your keywords.
Let's say for example, that your keyword comes up with one million or more searches and inputted to the search bar, with quotes around it (e.
: "Internet Marketing"), it yields 30,000 searches.
This tells you that lots of people are searching online with those terms and you have roughly thirty thousand competitors also using that term to attract those one million customers to their websites, (optimised with the keywords 'internet marketing').
If you can locate a keyword starting at 5,000 - 10,000 competitors using the Google keyword tool, you have in all likelihood found your 'money keyword' or niche term.
Make sure your terms are neither too broad, nor too popular, as the competition may be so fierce as to bury you! You are looking to find what are known as 'long-tailed keywords' instead of short-tailed keywords@ e.
'down-hill mountain bike shops South Wales' versus 'bike shops'.
future search trends.
The internet changes constantly, with new search terms added daily.
So, before you can market to anyone, get your traffic to a targeted pages of your site, optimised for the key terms you want to show up in the search engines for.
Keyword research is a long-term internet marketing game requiring on-going maintenance.
As you build your databases of terms, you need to add to your marketing intelligence, staying updated on trends over time.
Google Trends is a great tool here to see what's hot and where's not.