You can STOP Cold Calling and Make Them Chase After You Instead

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After years of dialing for dollars like a hamster on a wheel, seeking to master who I could quickly lean in my directions of interest in 30 seconds or less, I finally realized there is a much...
better way.
Not only is there a better way, in fact, it is the ONLY WAY for you to make the bigger money in a home business, internet business, mlm or on down the line of any type of small business.
Mind you: It took me owning an advertising company, working hands on with 1000's of people, 100's of thousands of dollars and being a consultant to 100's of companies before I finally tapped into higher levels of marketing strategy.
So if you are in fact, one of the 97+% who are still dialing for dollars or chasing after business...
by no means feel bad...
Because: Higher levels of simplicity do not just come easy in this world.
(as I'm sure you are well aware) The first thing to understand here, right off the bat is that, The name of the game is "energy".
Example: If you are presenting your business to someone who has not taken the time to FIRST understand who you are or knows nothing about your business, BEFORE you speak to them then "without question" 90+% are not going to respect you at any type of professional level.
Meaning: When energy is taken from you it's only a matter of time before you are burned out all together like 98+% become from taking on a position of weakness.
That is why when I have clients say things like: "I have this friend of mine I'm going to show my business to that I think might like this idea.
" It makes me want to grab this person and say (with a very loud tone!)...
"Wake up pal -- that is a position of weakness.
There are millions of people out there who want to review what you have WITHOUT you having to explain why they should.
" The magical and obvious question here is, "How can you get prospects to chase after you?" The first thing to do is change your strategic positioning.
Meaning: Make your ONLY focus to do one thing and one thing only.
And that's to come across to your prospects as a person who has simple solutions to fears or popular problems they face in your line of work.
Let's say (for example) that I am a Mortgage broker and of course want prospects to chase after me.
I can achieve this by simply placing small cheap advertisements.
One says; "FREE REPORT: 7 facts mortgage brokers do not reveal that will save you $1000.
" Now if there was an ad next to this one that said; "Come to ABC Mortgages Established since 1900.
" Which ad would more people flock to? Simple, it's the one that has the biggest benefit to them of course.
Being: The first one that offers the free report is a benefit for the people.
Remember: Benefits sell and features tell.
The moment you stop selling and start solving the people's problems is the moment you change the entire game itself.
You become a professional strategist never taking one drop of energy from yourself, driving in more sales from not selling, dominating all your competitors and most importantly mastering the craft of strategy itself.
By you representing yourself as a professional (rather than just another person peddling the next wonder lotion) you immediately become the welcomed guest your prospects respect and want to speak with.
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