My Wife Told Me She Doesn't Love Me Anymore – Tips for Husbands Feeling Lost in Their Marriage
If your wife has told you that she doesn't love you anymore you have to consider when and how it happened. What sometimes happens in a marriage is the couple unknowingly shifts from the mindset of lovers and partners to that of roommates and co-parents. It's not something that is intentional, but in the hustle and bustle of raising a family it sometimes happens. One day one partner wakes up to the realization that they aren't as madly in love with their spouse as they once were. This could very well be what is happening with your wife now.
It's very easy to confuse falling out of love feelings with those of being unfulfilled or bored. If your wife hasn't mentioned the idea of separating or she hasn't started talking about divorce, that's actually a very promising sign. She may have shared her feelings with you with the hope that it would change something for the better. It's up to you to ensure that happens now.
You must begin making positive changes this very minute. You have to make your wife and your marriage your number one priority. There can't be any exceptions to this. Yes, your children have needs but you have to balance those out with what your wife currently needs from you.
Start by expressing to her how you feel including your deep concern over what she's experiencing in terms of her feelings, or lack of feelings, for you. Let her know how it has impacted you and share your vow to make her feel the adoration and love that you have for her. Make each day about making her feel cherished. Go out of your way to do things that you know will show her how you feel and will also make her life richer and easier. If you start on this path towards renewing your commitment to your wife now, she'll instantly see the difference and it will impact her. Give her a chance to really see how deeply you love her. It can change everything for her and for your marriage.