Code Regulations for the US Post Office
- This is where the ethics development begins. Under this regulation the person designated as the Chairman of the Commission is to appoint a Designated Agency Ethics Official, who is also known as the DAEO. The DAEO then appoints other Officials who will serve as Deputy Of Ethics to assist him in carrying out his duties.
The DAEO is responsible for helping employees of the US Post Office interpret conduct regulations and advising the employees in any way to deter conflicts of interest and any other behavior that may reflect negatively on the US Post Office and its affiliates. The most important role of the DAEO and his Officials is to develop and provide adequate training for new employees and annual training for existing employees. - The financial interests of the US Post Office employees must not be toward any company that has anything to do with the rates of postage fees, postal service fees or anything related to the sort. Therefore, an employee cannot hold stocks, securities or any other type of investments with these kinds of companies.
- With regard to having a second job, a company or person whose focus and concern is that of anything dealing with the rates of postage fees, postal service fees or anything in the same relation cannot alternately employ an employee of the US Post Office. Alongside these regulations, if an employee finds the need to acquire a position with another employer, he must get prior written consent from the DAEO before accepting the job offer.
- If a conflict arises between two parties employed by the US Post Office, there shall not be the allowance of ex parte communications. This means no conclusion shall be rendered about the situation without both parties being present. There should be an arrangement of a hearing to be held with both parties being in the presence of the Commission to explain their positions.
- If an ex parte communication inadvertently occurs, the person involved in the communication shall prepare a written report explaining the events of the communication. The report must be made no later than 2 days after the occurrence. Included in the report should be the preparer's identity, any other persons involved in the ex parte communication, how the communication came about, the details of the communication, and anything else that should be brought to the attention of the Commission. This report then becomes public record and is therefore made available to any member of the public upon request.
- Besides the Conduct Code of Regulations, there is a set of ethics every government employee responsible for providing service to the public makes a commitment to follow. They are required to put loyalty first, hold to the Constitutional Laws and legal regulations, give earnest effort to their work, not entertain discriminatory actions by providing favors or giving privileges to certain people, never use private information for their profit and expose wrongdoing immediately. These ethics are prominent to any job duties an employee acquires upon acceptance of their job and should be held to the utmost ability of the hired party.