Qualification for Food Stamps in Iowa
- The state of Iowa provides food stamp benefits for eligible residents. These food stamps allow people who otherwise can't afford adequate amounts of food to receive the nutrition they need. To get food stamps in Iowa, a person must meet several requirements. The Iowa Department of Human Services runs the food stamps program, and anyone who wants to apply or who has questions should contact this department.
- The state will grant food stamps to U.S citizens and several groups of non-citizens. Examples of the latter group include refugees, asylees, Cubans, Haitians, Amerasians who are not facing deportation and have been in the country for at least seven years, those with permission for permanent residence and have worked at least 40 qualifying quarters as well as others. Non-citizens who seek food assistance should contact the Iowa Department of Human Services to see if they qualify.
- Able-bodied adults between 16 and 60 who seek food stamps must make valid attempts to seek employment. Certain exceptions exist, and the office offers detailed information regarding exceptions. "Valid attempts" might include registering for employment, taking a suitable job offer or joining a job training program recommended by the food stamp office. Students between 18 and 49 who go to school at least half time cannot apply for food stamps. Striking employees cannot qualify for food stamps unless they met the requirements the day before the strike and continue to during the strike.
- Households cannot have more than $2,000 in resources (or $3,000 if one member is older than 60). Resources include things that can easily convert to cash such as checking and savings accounts and stocks. The department will count vehicles valued over $4,650 in certain instances.
- The state has income limits based on family size. Several factors influence the acceptable limits, including ages of family members and whether any member receives certain types of government benefits. The state uses gross income as a guide but will take into account acceptable deductions when deciding the benefit level. See Resources for a complete income guide chart.