I Hate Santa! But What About the Real Meaning of Christmas?
I have long struggled with my feelings on Christmas.
No need to go into the whys and all right now, but let's just say that though I have always felt the holiday had good meaning behind it, anymore it is nothing more than a commercialized joke.
And a sick one, at that.
Everyone just has to be out buying the biggest and best gifts.
It used to be that people suffered from what they call "keeping up with the Jones'" (which means keep buying big stuff for yourself to keep up with what your neighbors are buying for themselves so you don't look bad).
But at Christmas time, it's "keeping up with your family"- basically, an all-out attempt to make sure your relatives don't outspend you on Christmas.
Because after all, if they spend $100 on you because they can afford it, and you only spend $20, well then how does that make you look? Cheap? Well, that's what the retailers would want you to believe.
So you end up spending yourself into debt that takes you all of next year to recover from.
Then there is Santa Claus.
Let's first examine his minions- the guy at the mall with a santa suit on.
Sure, he's there to make your kids happy.
He's a stranger in a costume that makes them smile, gives them candy, lets them tell him what they want for Christmas.
Just like other strangers want to do throughout the year...
, is it just me or does anyone else find that creepy? Does anyone actually know who these "santa" fellows are? Maybe it's just me, but some old guy in a costume that I have never met before, he wants to give my kid candy while sitting in his lap...
and I'm supposed to smile and pay for a photo of this? Any other time of year, and the guy would be arrested as a child predator, but hey, it's Christmas time so it's o.
?!? And I say this while noting especially here in Boise, at the Boise Towne Square Mall, they put santa freak right next to the Victoria's Secret store- so santa's staring at you know what all day while passing out candy to the wee little ones.
Can you say Mary Christmas? Then there is Santa himself.
The whole legend of some fat guy in a "magical" sleigh flying through the air pulled by eight tiny reindeer that most likely all combined weigh less than Jolly Old St.
Seriously, as many cookies as this guy supposedly eats, he would be the Biggest Loser's worst nightmare! It amazes me that he can make it to one house, let alone get out of bed! Obviously, from the weight of Santa alone we know that this story is a farce, yet we are supposed to treat him like a holy icon.
Everywhere you go, it's Santa this and Santa that.
God forbid if stores actually say "Merry Christmas", but it's o.
if santa's hanging from every rafter in the building because after all, he's the real meaning of the "holiday"- you know, the spirit of gimme gimme gimme cause I deserve it! It used to depress me what they have turned Christmas into.
I would always look at this month with an attitude of doom and gloom.
Yes, I knew it was all garbage, that this is not what Christmas is supposed to be.
But it depressed me none the less.
However, this year was different.
I was reminded again by a couple of people(my wife being one of them) that it shouldn't matter what other people do or think.
If they want to continue being miserable in their materialistic celebration of paganism, so be it.
Rather, I should focus on something else; o.
, 2 something elses.
First off, my family.
I only get my kids for a certain amount of time.
Then they grow old and move away.
I really don't want their memories of Christmas being the time when dad is irritable, cranky, depressed no matter what.
I want them to have good memories of it too.
No, this does not mean I am going broke trying to get them that all-elusive $100 toy that they "can't" live without- instead, we are working to build memories- events and traditions that they will remember longer than two days after Christmas(when the "new toy effect" wears off).
Something that will be more meaningful than anything this world and all the manufacturers together have to offer.
Secondly, and most importantly, I will be focusing on the true meaning of Christmas.
Not the gimme gimme gimme routine that we get shoved down our throat each year.
Rather, the baby in the manger.
The gift of hope.
The gift of faith.
The gift of true love, as the only begotten Son of God was born to a virgin on that one fateful night so long ago.
A gift- like no other gift.
A gift from God Himself- a Redeemer from our sins so that we might have fellowship with the Creator of the universe.
A gift of love to us- a gift that paved the way to the cross, to our salvation.
For you see, without Christmas, there would be no Easter.
Without the birth of our saviour, there would be no death of our Saviour as a ransom for our sins.
Without the birth of the Saviour there would have been no resurrection of Him to give us hope in the life hereafter...
We would be lost without hope if not for one beautiful glorious night when angels appeared to lowly shepherds declaring that "born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
" So you see, this should be a time of celebration! A time when we thank God for what He has given us- our families, and the gift of salvation.
So to those who would go about trying to keep up with Santa, trying to outspend everyone, only to end up unfulfilled and deep in debt come January, I say this: there is a better way to celebrate this year.
To the retailers with their old man in his fuzzy red suit I say, keep your Santa; I'll stick with the baby in the manger.
And to any and all who might read this, I say- I hope and pray that your Christmas will be a very merry time of year- that you will discover the true meaning of it, the true hope that it holds for us- and that you will cherish the memories and the traditions you have with your family in celebrating today; for our time here with our families is but a small time.
Don't waste it.
And to my Saviour, Jesus Christ who was born this night in Bethlehem, with a manger for His bed, I say, thank you for Faith, Hope, Love- thank you for Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all, and may God bless you and your families!