Are You in a Toxic Relationship? Signs of a Toxic Relationship and How to Deal With One

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How do you tell ? Here are some obvious signs: .
Your have a partner who is controlling - reading your emails, going through your mobile or "showing up" at places you are just to "check up" on you.
·Your partner tries to make you depend on them.
·Your partner disrespects you (verbally) in front of other people ·Though your partner says they love you, their actions don't show it.
·You have changed things about yourself to please your partner Toxic people make you feel sick just being near them.
So, why should you be in a toxic relationship? Would you want to be with someone who makes them feel physically or emotionally harmed? This type of relationship has a cycle.
It has a honeymoon period, followed by a blow up, then reconciliation - then it begins afresh.
When you first meet, you are obviously in the honeymoon stage.
Only until they've sucked you in do you realize that you are in a toxic relationship.
By then, it is difficult to get out.
The one reason many people are in toxic relationships is growing up in toxic homes.
So, they reproduce patterns from their childhood without being aware they're doing it.
Some believe they do not deserve to be happy or may discover that they enjoy taking care of people.
The first step in getting out and staying out of toxic relationships is to know that you do have choices.
Usually people who stay in these couples have low self esteem or suffer from depression.
Once you realize that you have choices, the next step is to start standing up for yourself.
In most toxic relationships, the toxic partner has taught you that it is all your fault.
Once you buy into this, it can be very difficult to either walk away from the relationship or set new limits that can heal the relationship.
For other people, being in therapy groups can help to get them out of or redefine these bad relationships.
Some people are able to break the cycles of toxic relationships or leave the relationship and form new, healthier relationships.
But some will actually repair such a relationship and stay in it.
The fact is that most relationships can be saved.
Sometimes it takes some space or counseling.
If both partners are willing, it is possible to recreate healthy bonds.
You need to first decide that the relationship should improve or you walk away.
If you can't walk leave, you'll never heal that which divides you.
Once you free yourself from that dependency at the core of a toxic relationship, you can start to deciding what you need from the relationship Don't nag your partner.
Just say "I need your support," "I need your love," or "I need your true opinion.
" If that does not work, your partner must know that you're prepared to leave.
A healthy relationship is a two way street.
In a toxic relationship, its only a one way street.
Only you can change that, but you first need to take the power into your own hands.
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