A Carbs Nutrition - Boon Or Bane For Weight Loss?
Every weight watcher, more than being concerned with any other aspect of weight loss, is overtly concerned about the amount and kind of carbohydrates that should be consumed in order to shed those extra pounds.
Search the internet and you would find countless advices and tips about how low-carb diets can result in miraculous weight loss.
But if you want to lose weight yet remain healthy at the end of it, you need to be more aware about carbs nutrition aspects before you switch to either a low or a high-carb diet.
First of all there are good and bad carbohydrates.
When you diet with good carbs, you not only lose weight but remain healthy too.
But going low on carbohydrates is not a healthy alternative.
So is consuming processed foods which are invariably low on carbs nutrition.
Your weight loss attempts would be futile if you are low on carbs nutrition - by eating too much of pasta, crackers, cereals or grain products.
In fact, such foods cause fluctuations in the blood glucose and insulin levels, resulting in more amount of fat being stored.
Your desire to lose weight could be due to various reasons including cosmetic.
But if you are trying to lose weight to prevent or cure certain types of weight-related disorders like hypertension, diabetes or sleep apnea, you need to be particularly careful since reducing the carbs nutrition may not prove to be healthy.
You need to focus more on the good carbohydrates, which can take care of your weight problem, and at the same time does not worsen your existing health problems.
Here are some ideas:
While there are simple and complex carbohydrates, for the purpose of weight loss, they can be divided into three segments: vegetables - preferably eaten raw or lightly cooked; whole grain breads or pasta - not as effective as the first group and should be consumed sparingly; heavily processed where the carbs nutrition is zero.
The last category of foods is what we call 'junk foods' and should be avoided if weight loss is your goal.
What do we mean by carbs nutrition? It means that only those carbohydrates are good which contain sufficient calories, which can be easily converted into energy along with sufficient amount of nutrients which help in building and repairing tissues.
In relations to calories, you have to remember that each and every organ of the body needs this food-energy to function and carbs nutrition is considered to be the body's most preferred energy source.
As far as nutrients are concerned, good carbohydrates contain a wide range of both macro and micronutrients including several vitamins and minerals that are essential for weight loss.
Search the internet and you would find countless advices and tips about how low-carb diets can result in miraculous weight loss.
But if you want to lose weight yet remain healthy at the end of it, you need to be more aware about carbs nutrition aspects before you switch to either a low or a high-carb diet.
First of all there are good and bad carbohydrates.
When you diet with good carbs, you not only lose weight but remain healthy too.
But going low on carbohydrates is not a healthy alternative.
So is consuming processed foods which are invariably low on carbs nutrition.
Your weight loss attempts would be futile if you are low on carbs nutrition - by eating too much of pasta, crackers, cereals or grain products.
In fact, such foods cause fluctuations in the blood glucose and insulin levels, resulting in more amount of fat being stored.
Your desire to lose weight could be due to various reasons including cosmetic.
But if you are trying to lose weight to prevent or cure certain types of weight-related disorders like hypertension, diabetes or sleep apnea, you need to be particularly careful since reducing the carbs nutrition may not prove to be healthy.
You need to focus more on the good carbohydrates, which can take care of your weight problem, and at the same time does not worsen your existing health problems.
Here are some ideas:
- In stead of rice, pasta and cereal, a better option is to switch to organic meats and eggs.
Include more vegetables in your diet for the right type of carbs nutrition. - Berries, sweet potatoes and fruits are rich in carbohydrates and good for inclusion in your weight loss diet.
- Other good options are oat bran and not oat meal.
Add rice bran or wheat germ in your salads.
This takes care of the right kind of calories of the grain, without missing out on nutrients.
While there are simple and complex carbohydrates, for the purpose of weight loss, they can be divided into three segments: vegetables - preferably eaten raw or lightly cooked; whole grain breads or pasta - not as effective as the first group and should be consumed sparingly; heavily processed where the carbs nutrition is zero.
The last category of foods is what we call 'junk foods' and should be avoided if weight loss is your goal.
What do we mean by carbs nutrition? It means that only those carbohydrates are good which contain sufficient calories, which can be easily converted into energy along with sufficient amount of nutrients which help in building and repairing tissues.
In relations to calories, you have to remember that each and every organ of the body needs this food-energy to function and carbs nutrition is considered to be the body's most preferred energy source.
As far as nutrients are concerned, good carbohydrates contain a wide range of both macro and micronutrients including several vitamins and minerals that are essential for weight loss.