Correctional Population Hits Record 6.9 Million

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The total number of people in the United States who are incarcerated in prisons or jail, serving probation sentences, or on parole reached a record 6.9 million in 2003, according to Bureau of Justice Statistics reports.
The 2003 figures represented an increase of 130,700 over the previous year. Correctional population figures include all men and women in local, state, and federal prisons and jails and all those who are on probation or parole.

The nation's combined federal, state and local adult correctional population reached a new record of almost 6.9 million men and women in 2003, an increase of 130,700 people since December 31, 2002, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports.

Here are the highlights of the latest Bureau of Justice Statistics report, from a July 25, 2004 news release:
  • On June 30, 2003, 1,387,269 adults were incarcerated in federal and state prisons and 691,301 inmates in local jails. In addition, as of December 31, 2003, 4,073,987 adults were on probation - a period of supervision in the community following a conviction - and 774,588 on parole - a period of conditional supervised release following a prison term.
  • About 3.2 percent of the nation's adult population, or one in every 32 adult residents, were incarcerated or on probation or parole in 2003. The adult probation population grew by 49,920 men and women, slightly less than half the average annual growth of 2.9 percent since 1995. The nation's parole population grew by 23,654 men and women in 2003, or 3.1 percent, almost double the average annual growth of 1.7 percent since 1995.

  • At the end of last year, the number of adults on probation or parole reached a record high of more than 4.8 million, which was 70 percent of all persons under federal, state or local correctional supervision. More than one million of the nation's probationers and parolees were in Texas (534,260) and California (485,039).

    Under Active Probation Supervision

  • Four states had an increase of 10 percent or more in their probation populations in 2003 - Kentucky (up 17 percent), Mississippi (up 15 percent) and Nebraska and New Hampshire (each up 12 percent). The adult probation population decreased in 19 states, led by Minnesota (down 10 percent).
  • As of last December 31, more than half of the probationers were white, 30 percent were black, 12 percent were Hispanic and two percent were of other races. Women comprised 23 percent of all adults on probation.
  • About 71 percent of probationers were under active supervision and were required to regularly report to a probation authority in person, by mail or by telephone. Forty-nine percent of all probationers had been convicted of a felony, 49 percent of a misdemeanor and 2 percent of other infractions.
  • Twenty-five percent had been convicted of a drug offense, 17 percent for driving while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol, 12 percent for larceny or theft, 9 percent for other assault, seven percent for domestic violence, six percent for minor traffic infractions, five percent for burglary, four percent for fraud and three percent for sexual assault.

    Parole Population Increases

  • Of the almost 2.2 million probationers discharged from supervision during 2003, about three in five had successfully met the conditions of their supervision. About 16 percent were incarcerated because of a rule violation or a new offense, and 4 percent had absconded.
  • Seventeen states had double-digit increases in their parole populations in 2003. Five states had increases of 20 percent or higher: North Dakota (53 percent), Alabama (31 percent), Kentucky (27 percent), New Hampshire (25 percent) and New Mexico (23 percent). Twelve states had decreases, led by Hawaii (down 11 percent).
  • Of those in the community last year who were on parole, 13 percent were women. Forty-one percent were black, 40 percent were white, 18 percent were Hispanic and two percent were of other races. About 83 percent of all parolees were under active supervision and were required to regularly contact a parole authority in person, by mail or by telephone.
  • About 470,500 parolees were discharged from supervision during 2003. Forty-seven percent had successfully met the conditions of their supervision, 38 percent were returned to incarceration with a new sentence or because of a rule violation, and about nine percent had absconded.
    Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics.
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