How to Remove an Ingrown Hair
But more importantly I now know how to remove ingrown hairs and her is how.
What you need: 1.
tweezers 2.
hot towel 3.
clean water 4.
needle 5.
magnifying glass (optional) Steps: -Take the needle and poke the skin where the ingrown hair is located, you only have to do this if the hair is causing a bump in your skin because that means there isn't a place for the hair to come out so you need to make one.
-Now take the hot towel and place it on your skin.
The purpose of this is to soften up the skin so it won't hurt at all and to make the hair roots loosen from your skin.
I leave the hot towel on my skin for about 3 minutes.
-Next you will take the needle and try to pick at your skin until you have an opening big enough for the tip of the tweezers to fit and grab the hair.
It could be hard to see, that is why we have a magnifying glass.
-When you can see the hair and your tweezers can grab a hold of the hair you will need to wiggle the hair around until it comes loose.
Never pull the hair right out, this can damage that area under your skin and it could cause parts of the hair to stay inside your skin.
-After you have successfully taken the hair out you will want to wash the area with water.
The whole purpose of this is to get any dirt, or hair pieces out of your skin before the hole closes up.
Now that is all there is to taking an ingrown hair out.