Tony Rogers, Your Guide to Journalism at
Tony Rogers, guide to journalism, has more than 25 years of experience as a reporter, author, editor and journalism professor. A portfolio of his recent articles can be found here.
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Tony Rogers started his journalism career writing movie reviews for his high school paper. In college he basically lived in a series of dingy student newspaper newsrooms, eating cold pizza, banging out stories and occasionally attending class. In his first professional newspaper job, at the Capital Times in Madison, Wisconsin, he covered cops and worked on the copy desk. Later, while living in New Zealand on a Rotary scholarship, he was a reporter at the now-defunct Auckland Star. After grad school he went to work for The Associated Press, where he covered the infamous Charles Stuart murder case and Hurricane Andrew. After four years with the wire service he joined the New York Daily News, where he was Long Island bureau chief and later deputy national news editor. For the past 15 years he has run the journalism program at Bucks County Community College in Pennsylvania. He's the author of Newswriting on Deadline.
B.A. in journalism, University of Wisconsin-Madison. M.S. in journalism, Columbia University. Rotary International Scholar, Auckland, New Zealand.
Tony Rogers
"I've worked as a reporter, editor and journalism professor, and am very enthusiastic about bringing what I've learned to this site. I love the news business and hope that I can convey that excitement to users."