Overdose: How To Remove Laundry Bluing Stains
We all have a tendency to think if a little bit does a good job, a little more will be even better. That may work for somethings, but not for bluing. If you've gotten a little heavy-handed or skipped some steps in using bluing correctly to whiten clothes, here's how to remove the bluing stains from washable clothes:
You need a non-metal container that can be covered tightly (a 5-gallon bucket with a good, tight lid or a plastic bag with a twist tie).
Place the stained clothes in the container.
Mix a solution of 1/2 cup household ammonia to 1 quart cold water. Make enough solution to completely submerge your clothing. Soak for 24 hours. Then, run clothing through a regular wash cycle with detergent only.
Make the container as airtight as possible to keep the fumes in. Ammonia evaporates very quickly and ammonia is the only substance that will remove the excess bluing. If the stain is not gone in 24 hours, mix a fresh solution and repeat the process.
NEVER MIX WITH OR USE CHLORINE BLEACH! The mix of ammonia and chlorine bleach causes toxic and dangerous fumes. Bleach will also set the bluing in more permanently. If you have already attempted to remove the excess bluing with bleach, use a solution of 1 cup household ammonia to 1 quart of cold water and soak, covered tightly for 48-72 hours. You may need to perform this procedure 2-3 times, washing with detergent following each process.
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