How to Create Title Templates in Livetype
- 1). Run the "LiveType" application on your computer and set the output resolution, frame rate and other project elements to configure your production environment. Also, based on your working preferences, set up the grid, guides and rulers in the Canvas. Apply a background to your project as well for better appeal.
- 2). Create the text or object elements in the Canvas. Position and design a track for the element. Add an element to the track. Choose a font for your element and finally, adjust the attributes of the element and apply styles to it.
- 3). Define the movie duration for your LiveType project. Apply some effects and adjust the timing to make sure that everything is synchronized -- text, sound and images. Customize the animation with some adjustments on the key frame.
- 4). Preview and fine-tune the movie on your preferred media player before finalizing it. If everything looks good, render the final movie. Export the movie for distribution and posting on the Web. Convert it to an alternative format to share it with other people who use different media players or browsers.