Simple Inexpensive Ways to Spruce Up Your Dining Room
Most of us would like to see ours looking the best and still be functional.
The size, shape and design of your dining room will tell you what you have to do to get it where you want it.
Paint is often the best way to give it a fresh new look without spending a lot of money.
Making a plan will help reduce your mistakes and make things come together a lot nicer.
It will also help you to keep the overall theme of the home going.
Unless you have a lot of money and plan to redo the entire home I suggest you work with your design and not against it.
Colors from one room to the next need to flow into each other so they don't clash.
Furniture is often a great place to get new ideas for your design.
A chair, table or other stationary piece could become your focal point.
Use your imagination to get the ball rolling and you'll soon have your desired look.
Don't overdo any one color especially if you choose a bold one.
Clean everything out of your room before you start to avoid getting any paint on it.
If your floor is in good shape you'll also want to try to protect it from spilled paint.
Painters tape is your friend; don't waste your time trying to paint close to the trim when a little tape can speed up the process.
You may also want to consider the use of primer if your wall has any stains or the color change is great.
Always start at your highest point then work your way down that way if you do have an accident and get paint on the lower parts you simply paint over it when you get to it.
Knowing how fast your paint is going to dry will let you know when it is ready for the next coat.
Accent walls go over really well with dining rooms that share a wall with an adjoining one.
Finishing your job with trinkets and wall hangings is a great way to add character to the room.
Read a magazine or watch some design shows to get even more cool ideas.
Replace anything that is worn out with something new and modern.
The sky is the limit don't be afraid to try out new ideas just be careful you don't go over budget or you'll end up with a room that is only half finished.