How Do I Know if My Ex Girlfriend Wants Me Back? 3 Ways to Tell
So, what are some ways to tell if she wants you back and more importantly how do you go about getting her back? I am going to show you 3 simple ways you can tell if she wants you back.
Number 1: Does your ex girlfriend call you and want to talk. If she is contacting you by phone, email, texting you, or talking to you in person, these are good signs that she may still want you. She may not have a reason to contact you and may just want to talk and catch up and see how you are doing.
Number 2: They are not seeing anyone new and they do not plan to in the future or say that they do not want to be in a relationship. This is a sign that they are not completely over you and they may just want some time off from a relationship.
Number 3: She is always nice to you and wants to help you out for no reason. Often times a woman will go out of her way to be nice to the guy that she dumped and sometimes it seems like she is doing it for no reason other than to be nice. If she does this there is a good chance that she still wants you back.
Even if you're ex girlfriend does not do all or any of these things, you may still be able to get her back. It will take some effort on your part, but if you really want her back you can get her back you just need to follow a plan of action and keep your cool.