How to Increase the Size of Your Penis - 4 Killer Tips to Correctly Use Penis Enlargement Exercises
Men who are curious about this method of penis enlargement should know that it does indeed work (I can attest to that!) but in order to get the most out of any program you might try, you should be well prepared.
Below is a list of 5 ways to ensure success when using penis enlargement exercises.
If you don't really know what penis enlargement exercises are, I've included some resources at the end of the article.
1)Warm up before every workout: Penis enlargement exercises are only a great way to increase the size of the penis when used correctly and safely.
Before any workout, make sure you wrap your penis in a warm towel for a few minutes; this will ensure your penis tissues are limber and that you are at the right level of "hardness" for exercises, which brings us to the next tip...
2)Maintain the correct "erection level" for your workout: Penis enlargement exercises rely on the moving of blood through the penis in order to stress tissues and elicit a growth response from the body.
If your penis is too hard, there won't be much room for the blood to move around.
Conversely, if your penis is too limp, it will be hard to grip your penis correctly for the exercises.
When just learning how to increase the size of the penis through exercises it is best to be at about 70% of a full erection.
3)Know Your Limits...
No REALLY: Out of all of the methods of penis enlargement, exercises seem to have been the safest in my experience; but even the best of workout programs can result in a little soreness if you try and go beyond what you should be doing.
This isn't really all that weird when you think about it, your arms would be sore if you were lifting weights that were too heavy for you.
Just stay within your means and you should have a pain-free journey to penis enlargement.
4)Track Your Progress: Make sure to keep track of how much you gain so that you can adjust your workouts and schedule based on your goals.
Many exercise guides will teach you how to take accurate measurements so that you know exactly what you're getting out of your workouts.