How to Fight an Incorrect Unemployment Record
- 1). Obtain the form or forms necessary to file a "Request for Reconsideration" with your local unemployment insurance office. Some states have these forms available online for at-home printing, but they also are available through the unemployment insurance offices.
- 2). Gather data that verifies the inaccuracy of the unemployment record. These can include items such as paystubs, W-2s and records from the unemployment insurance office.
- 3). Fill out the "Request for Reconsideration" forms using the data you've gathered. You will need basic information, such as your Social Security number, employer name and contact information, and similar data.
- 4). Make copies of all your supporting documents.
- 5). Write a cover letter. Indicate in the letter that you believe your unemployment record contains errors and that you have enclosed documentation to that effect.
- 6). Send your letter, forms and copies of the supporting documents to your local unemployment office via certified mail.
- 7). Contact the appeals board if the unemployment office does not contact you about corrections to your record. Schedule a hearing with the board to protest the incorrect information and previous unemployment decision. Attend your hearing when scheduled and present your evidence to the board.
- 8). Sue the unemployment insurance for your state through the court of appeals or similar division. Present your evidence to the judge via your attorney.