What Are the Keys in Guitar?
- The vast majority of Western music is created via the use of eight-note major and minor scales. Because of this, musical keys denote which eight notes should be played during a specific section of music. That is not to say notes outside a specific key should never be used, however. In most situations, they will sound out of place, but when played at the right time, they can add interesting flavors to a song. In terms of sound, major scales have a happy quality about them, minor scales have a sad quality to them.
- Major and minor scales are created by the use of a specific set of whole-step (w) and half-step (h) intervals. Major scales are created by starting at a note and then following this interval pattern: w, w, h, w, w, w, h. To illustrate this, a C major scale is spelled C, D, E, F, G, A, B and C. Minor scales follow the pattern w, h, w, w, h, w, w. C minor is spelled C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb and C.
- In sheet music, the key visually illustrates (by use of sharp and flat signs at the beginning of a piece of music) in what key a musician should play. When a guitarist is talking about what key a song is in, they are basically asking what scale to use.