How to How to Navigate Disney's Hollywood Studios' Echo Lake
- 1). Hop aboard "Star Tours," the "Star Wars" themed flight simulator ride. Hook up with familiar faces such as Chewbacca, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker and you head into hyperspace on an intergalactic battle. Ride as early as you can, or take advantage of FastPass to bypass long lines at the height of the day. For a few weekends in the spring/summer, take in Star Wars weekends, where you can meet and greet even more of your favorite "Star Wars" characters. Check the Disney World website for dates of when these weekends take place (usually in May).
- 2). Get up close and personal with Indy in the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular. This 30-minute live stage show lets the audience in on some of the stunt show secrets used in actions sequences like those seen in the popular Indiana Jones movies. Guests over 18 who arrive early can even have the chance to volunteer to be extras and become even closer to the action. This show has been a popular one ever since it opened, and you can FastPass the show to make sure that you get a seat at a a particular time. Be sure to check the Times Guide insert inside your park map to see what times this show is performed daily.
- 3). Listen along with host Drew Carey in the Sounds Dangerous show. Showcasing a variety of sounds and special effects, guests get to learn a bit about what goes into putting sounds into the movies. Keep in mind that some portions of the show are presented in complete darkness and some young children can be startled with loud noises with minimal lighting. This 12-minute show runs continuously and can be viewed fairly easily at nearly any time of the day. It's a good option for a mid-afternoon rest as the theater is indoors and air conditioned and can get guests in out of the sun (or rain).
- 4). Consider eating (or making a reservation to eat) at Hollywood & Vine. This casual buffet showcases various American classics from salmon and roasted chicken to macaroni and cheese. You can also consider the Play'N'Dine at Hollywood & Vine option for character dining with characters from Playhouse Disney. Making reservations in advance is the best way to eat at Hollywood & Vine, as walk-ins often have difficulty being accommodated.
- 5). Consider fulfilling a snack craving while in the Echo Lake area. The '50s Prime Time Cafe serves pot roast, meatloaf, chicken, and assorted sandwiches, while the Backlot Express offers burgers, hot dogs, grilled turkey sandwiches, grilled vegetable sandwiches and chicken nuggets.