Challenges of Cross Platform Mobile App Development
We know that all platforms offer an SDK for the developers I am sure that the app development team would not get surprised to see the specificity that goes on with each. Remember, while you are developing enterprise apps for their business, they are facing hard time in obtaining a larger share of the market. This means your app would not only require a framework design for each OS but also thorough planning before updating it. Moreover, don't assume SDK to be a universal remedy to every cross platform app development related problem. My advice is that you should become more app-centric rather than device-centric during this phase. You should concentrate on how you want your app to look and perform regardless of which device it is running on.
The first step is goal setting - It is utterly important to move away from developing for a few minutes and plan your goals. Any app development company could develop enterprise apps. But to come in the league of Copper Mobile or a company specializing in developing apps that can run on multiple platforms, it needs thorough planning. It starts from building an infrastructure that is not limited to one-dimensional thinking. Before a company starts to dream big, it has to make sure that developing team has all resources available readily.
Next step is to make sure that the user interface or UI experience translates cleanly across every platform that an app would run on. In short, device or platform does not matter at all; the user experience has to be same all the time.
I have mentioned earlier that testing and investing in it are the two vital requirements for making a successful cross platform mobile app. In this context, here are a few statistics. Gartner has revealed that worldwide revenue from app stores would increase by 62 percent and reach USD 25 billion by year-end.
Think about this - a successfully developed cross platform app would give you the much-needed pat on the back to develop more apps like this. But for this to happen, it is important that your app venture is well considered, well funded with time, money, manpower and well tested. This might look expensive in the short term or for just one mobile app but what about the fact that the same code or source could be used repeatedly. So, if you have adapted yourself to use your resources repeatedly, you are already on your way of glorifying your future.