Why all the fuss over Wheatgrass Juicer? Is it really that good?
Wheatgrass juice is extracted from the shoots of the wheat grain plant. The juice can only be extracted from the wheatgrass when it makes its first stem division at around 8 to 12 days after germination has taken place. Today wheatgrass juice is being heralded by many as a healing juice because of the many health properties it has to offer.
1. Wheatgrass juice not only has high protein levels, but also minerals, vitamins and enzyme levels.
2. The chlorophyll levels in wheatgrass juice are such that they are believed to be a very powerful blood builder and detoxifier.
3. The properties in wheatgrass juice are ones that prevent the activity of carcinogens in the body.
4. There is the same amount of goodness to be found in one two ounce shot of wheatgrass juice that would be found in 4 pounds of fresh vegetables.
The juice of the wheatgrass is often included in raw food based natural therapies as it helps to restore the health balance in one's body. The nutrients that you find in this particular juice are essential to sustaining life and those who drink it regularly have reported that they feel more energized. Just one shot glass of wheatgrass juice is sufficient because of the highly concentrated levels of nutrients it contains. It is easy for you to grow and then extract the juice from wheatgrass yourself in your own home and on average it will cost you only a few pennies each day.
Wheatgrass is a very fibrous plant and unfortunately the standard household juicers available will not cope with extracting the juice from this plant very well. However, don't worry as there are now manual wheatgrass juicers available which cost around 25 and offer you the opportunity to enjoy the taste and health benefits of this super food. The type of juicer most frequently used to extract juice from wheatgrass is the auger or screw type masticating juicer which chews up the foods placed in it.
Hand operated wheatgrass juicers are proving popular, not because of the price, but also they allow you to extract only small amounts of this potent juice at any given time. A manual wheatgrass juicer needs to be clamped to a sturdy surface before using, but once set up in a matter of minutes you can be drinking this wonderful juice.
If an auger or screw type juicer has an electric motor fitted on the end it becomes a more versatile piece of equipment. Along with extracting juice from wheatgrass it is capable of extracting the juice from other vegetables and fruits. Certainly compared to other household centrifugal juicers these ones can produce a wide variety of nutritional drinks for you. When deciding which of the models to select from, two of the best quality wheatgrass juicers available today are the L'Equip Omni and the Samson 6-1. Both cannot only extract juice from wheatgrass, vegetables and fruits but are able to carry out other food processing functions as well.
For the best results possible when it comes to extracting juice from a wheatgrass juicer you should opt for the twin gear masticating versions. Models such as The Green Star Gold Juicer or The Green Power Kempo are suitable and inside they contain two close fitting cylindrical stainless steel gears which crush the foods inserted between them. This process allows not only more of the juice to be extracted but also a large portion of the nutrients that are essential to our health and well being unlike some other types of household juicers.
You can grow wheatgrass at home to extract the juice from it very easily. First off get 250 g of wheat berries. Now place in a bowl of water and put in the fridge and leave in there overnight. The following day remove the soaked seeds from the fridge and mix together with equal amounts of compost before transferring the lot to a standard size seed tray. In order to help the seeds germinate and grow place in a warm position and then water regularly. Once the first stem division (the shoots should be between 8 and 10 inches high) has been made this is the time to harvest the wheatgrass and place in a juicer to extract the juice.
A full seed tray of wheatgrass shoots should give you around 6 days' supply of juice for you to drink. So to ensure that you have a steady supply of shoots for your wheatgrass juicer it is best if you have several seed trays with the plants in them at various stages of development. To learn more about wheatgrass juicers and the benefits of this particular juice you should take a look at the definitive book on this particular subject called "Wheatgrass - Nature's Finest Medicine" by Steve Meyerowitz.
1. Wheatgrass juice not only has high protein levels, but also minerals, vitamins and enzyme levels.
2. The chlorophyll levels in wheatgrass juice are such that they are believed to be a very powerful blood builder and detoxifier.
3. The properties in wheatgrass juice are ones that prevent the activity of carcinogens in the body.
4. There is the same amount of goodness to be found in one two ounce shot of wheatgrass juice that would be found in 4 pounds of fresh vegetables.
The juice of the wheatgrass is often included in raw food based natural therapies as it helps to restore the health balance in one's body. The nutrients that you find in this particular juice are essential to sustaining life and those who drink it regularly have reported that they feel more energized. Just one shot glass of wheatgrass juice is sufficient because of the highly concentrated levels of nutrients it contains. It is easy for you to grow and then extract the juice from wheatgrass yourself in your own home and on average it will cost you only a few pennies each day.
Wheatgrass is a very fibrous plant and unfortunately the standard household juicers available will not cope with extracting the juice from this plant very well. However, don't worry as there are now manual wheatgrass juicers available which cost around 25 and offer you the opportunity to enjoy the taste and health benefits of this super food. The type of juicer most frequently used to extract juice from wheatgrass is the auger or screw type masticating juicer which chews up the foods placed in it.
Hand operated wheatgrass juicers are proving popular, not because of the price, but also they allow you to extract only small amounts of this potent juice at any given time. A manual wheatgrass juicer needs to be clamped to a sturdy surface before using, but once set up in a matter of minutes you can be drinking this wonderful juice.
If an auger or screw type juicer has an electric motor fitted on the end it becomes a more versatile piece of equipment. Along with extracting juice from wheatgrass it is capable of extracting the juice from other vegetables and fruits. Certainly compared to other household centrifugal juicers these ones can produce a wide variety of nutritional drinks for you. When deciding which of the models to select from, two of the best quality wheatgrass juicers available today are the L'Equip Omni and the Samson 6-1. Both cannot only extract juice from wheatgrass, vegetables and fruits but are able to carry out other food processing functions as well.
For the best results possible when it comes to extracting juice from a wheatgrass juicer you should opt for the twin gear masticating versions. Models such as The Green Star Gold Juicer or The Green Power Kempo are suitable and inside they contain two close fitting cylindrical stainless steel gears which crush the foods inserted between them. This process allows not only more of the juice to be extracted but also a large portion of the nutrients that are essential to our health and well being unlike some other types of household juicers.
You can grow wheatgrass at home to extract the juice from it very easily. First off get 250 g of wheat berries. Now place in a bowl of water and put in the fridge and leave in there overnight. The following day remove the soaked seeds from the fridge and mix together with equal amounts of compost before transferring the lot to a standard size seed tray. In order to help the seeds germinate and grow place in a warm position and then water regularly. Once the first stem division (the shoots should be between 8 and 10 inches high) has been made this is the time to harvest the wheatgrass and place in a juicer to extract the juice.
A full seed tray of wheatgrass shoots should give you around 6 days' supply of juice for you to drink. So to ensure that you have a steady supply of shoots for your wheatgrass juicer it is best if you have several seed trays with the plants in them at various stages of development. To learn more about wheatgrass juicers and the benefits of this particular juice you should take a look at the definitive book on this particular subject called "Wheatgrass - Nature's Finest Medicine" by Steve Meyerowitz.