Male Yeast Infection Home Remedies
However, even if most cases appear in women, men are also susceptible to get the infection.
According to statistics almost 70 percent of women have one time or another experienced an infection in their lifetime.
The percentage may not be as high for men but like I said they are also vulnerable to get the infection.
The most common way that men get the infection is through sexual intercourse.
This may surprise a lot of men who think the infection is a skin disease and not something they can get from sex.
If your partner has the infection, there is a big chance that you will also get it.
Yeast infections are caused by the overgrowth of the bacteria Candida Albicans.
The bacteria is already present in our bodies, however if there is a major imbalance in our metabolism then the bacteria will grow and become an infection.
Below are just some of the home remedies you men can use to prevent or remove the infection.
Wear a Condom - like the saying goes "prevention is better than cure", and since the most common way men get the infection is through sex, then we must always wear protection.
Not only are we protecting our selves from getting a sexually transmittable disease, we are also protecting our partner.
Eat Yogurt - yogurt has a lot of good bacteria that help the body return its natural metabolism.
Since the infection is the result of an imbalance in we need to return it to its natural state in order to prevent it from coming back again.
You can also use the yogurt as a cream that you apply to the infected area if you already have the infection.
This will provide relief and prevent you from scratching the infection.
Having a yeast infection even if you are a man is not something to be ashamed of; it is one of the most common infections a human person can get.
However since it is so common we intend to neglect it.
And because of our neglect, the infection leads to a more serious medical condition.