Lynphatic Drainage Massage
Most body massage and spa treatment utilizes this massage technique to stimulate circulation in the body.
It helps to get rid of water retention very easily.
create a blend of 2 drop each of juniper, geranium and rosemary oils in 1 tablespoon of jojoba.
Before a bath massage this blend into your body in sweeping and squeezing strokes direction towards the closest lymph nodes-under the arm , behind the knees, near the ankle, near the nape of the neck, the templates between brows and so on.
While bathing add 2 drops of geranium to the water and use a loofah to brush your skin -softy moves the loofah from the wrist to the elbow and then to the underarm.
brush the ankle and knees in soft upward strokes.
Basic need- treat skin with all the tender loving care it deserve, choosing product design to help the ravage of time, if not set clock back.
Take care to see the product aren't harsh -remember that you skin is more sensitive now then ever before.
Sun protection can never be too much- now slather on slather on half on hour before you step out.
The production of collagen and elastin slows down significantly, speeding theformation of wrinkle that can lead to skin sagging and drooping.
It's at this time that some some women develop a jowly appearance.
Skin tone too takes a hit, becoming more uneven, with increasing number of sun spots.
Sit out of the sun as much as you can.