Care of Ice Orchids in the Home
- 1). Keep your orchids in pots with drainage holes and non-soil potting media for good drainage. All orchids require quick drainage and good air circulation around their roots, and most will die in standard soil.
- 2). Put your orchids in north- or south-facing windows to give them bright, indirect light, or keep them under artificial lights. Orchids burn and die if they get too much direct light.
- 3). Water the orchids once a week to maintain a moist, but not wet, potting medium. Place three large ice cubes in each orchid's pot, and allow the ice to melt to naturally water the plants.
- 4). Feed the orchids every 2 to 3 weeks with water-soluble orchid fertilizer. Mix the fertilizer per manufacturer directions and use the water/fertilizer mix to water the orchids that week. Give each orchid 2 inches of water at this watering.