The Size of Red Maple Trees
- "Autumn Flame" is grown for its excellent early fall color. It grows 55 feet tall and 45 feet wide and has a broadly rounded shape when young.
- "Northwood" red maple has deep green leaves in summer and orange-red fall color. This very cold-hardy cultivar grows to 40 feet in height and 35 feet in width and has a rounded oval crown.
- The "Red Sunset" red maple has excellent red fall color and is especially tolerant of cold and drought. It may reach 60 feet in height and a width of 50 feet and has an upright shape.
- "October Glory" is a cultivar of red maple that yields late fall color. The color is vulnerable to early freezes in the North, but the tree may be expected to provide fall color in the South. October Glory grows to between 40 and 60 feet tall by 50 feet wide and has a rounded oval shape.