How to Make a Realistic Water Effect in Photoshop
- 1). Open a photo in Photoshop. On the top toolbar, click on the "File" icon to pull down an option menu. Click on "Open" and then find the photo to which you want to add the effect. Highlight the photo file and click on "Open."
- 2). Create a new layer. On the top toolbar, click on "Layer" to pull down a menu with options. Scroll down to "New" and then select "Layer." It will prompt you to name this new layer, or you simply can keep it labeled "Layer 1."
- 3). On the right-hand work palette, ensure that you have the "Layers" window opened. This can be done by clicking "Windows" on the top toolbar, then selecting "Layers," which will provide a check mark next to it and pop it open on the right. Make sure that your new layer is highlighted.
- 4). Create your water-drop shape. The tools are displayed on the left side of the screen. Select the "Elliptical" tool, which is the fifth option from the bottom of the tools. Create a round object on the new layer, whatever size you would like your water drop to be.
- 5). Set the background and foreground colors. There are a pair of colored boxes on the tools list to the left, one on top of the other. Click on the top box and set the color to black. Then click on the bottom box and make that color white.
- 6). Set up the gradient tool. On the tools bar to the left, click and hold on the icon that looks like a paint bucket. This brings up another option for a gradient tool, which you should select. On the top toolbar, look to the five icons on the left and make sure that the "Linear" icon is selected, which is the left-most icon of the bunch.
- 7). Create a gradient in the water drop. Click on the top left of the drop and drag to the bottom right.
- 8). Change the blend mode of the new layer. On the work palette to the right, look for a pull-down menu in the layers section, which should be labeled "Normal" by default. Pull down this menu and select "Overlay."
- 9). Click on the "Layer" option on the top toolbar, scrolling down to "Layer Style." Select "Blending Options" to alter the Inner Shadow and Drop Shadow. Adjust both the Drop and Inner Shadows to size "5," a "158" angle and set the distance to "7." Adjust the Inner Shadow opacity to "75" and the opacity of the Drop Shadow to "50."
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Create another layer. Click on the "Layer" option on the top toolbar, then scroll down to "New" and select "Layer." - 11
Add a light reflection detail. On the tools options at the left, select the "Brush" tool, which you will notice pulls up a bunch of brush options on the work palette to the right. If they are not displayed, click on the "Window" option on the top toolbar and click on "Brushes" to pull it up. Select a brush size with a hard edge that can add a small detail to your water drop. Set your color as white and create a dot at the top of the drop.