Online Business Tips: The Pros and Cons on Starting Online Business
The new entrepreneur faces enormous challenges at the initial start-up period with so many things at stake like investment, handling of capital, selection of the products and choosing a respective marketing strategy for them.
However the conventional business owner is quite different from the online business owner in the way that he could physically see his customers while the online business owner can only visualize and to him all that matters is the traffic to his site.
There are of course merits and demerits of each and every business just like the two sides of a coin.
The benefit that an online business owner could derive out of his business is that he could get immediate feedbacks from his customer in the form of feedback or comments on his site.
The best way to boost your online business is to capture the visitors of your website.
You can do this by adding squeeze pages to your site wherein you will ask the customers to leave their contact numbers or emails.
You can use these contacts later to promote and market your products.
Reward potential customers in your site by linking their signature to your guest book with gratis drawing for one of your products like ( http://www.
com a unique jewelry site) or a newsletter on an interesting topic for free ( http://www.
com ).
The best way to retain your customer is offering something to them in return for a favor and you could use that favor as to refer some en-use customers for your products and services.
Remember retaining customers is easier than catching a new customer altogether, so it's always in your interest to get references of prospective customers from your existing customers.
This will also help you build a good relationship with the existing and new customers.
To boost confidence among the existing customers show them some realistic statistics about the happenings with your site like the number of traffic being hit by your website and the number of actual trade happening.
This will solidify the image of your site and the products being offered.
Finally add a currently ongoing survey of issues of importance to your customer.
Many people are curios to take a vote on an issue and see what position others are taking.
Don't forget that you have two aims in mind for this scheme.