How to Install a Garage Door Control Console
- 1). Locate a spot on the wall by the entrance from the house to the garage to place the garage door console.
- 2). Predrill pilot holes for the attaching screws with a 5/32-inch bit. Insert plastic wall anchors into the holes.
- 3). Remove one-quarter inch of insulation from one end of the low-voltage wire using wire strippers. Connect the bare ends on the terminals of the wall control console using a Phillips head screwdriver.
- 4). Mount the control console to the wall by securing screws into the wall anchors using a Phillips head screwdriver.
- 5). Run the low-voltage wire from the control console to the back of the garage door opener.
- 6). Attach the low-voltage wire to the wall and ceiling using insulated staples. Depending upon the height of the ceiling, you may need an 8-foot stepladder.
- 7). Position an 8-foot step ladder behind the back of the opener motor to reach the motor. Allow low voltage wire to hang just past the bottom of the motor assembly and cut off the excess. After trimming the excess, remove one-quarter inch from the end of the wire.
- 8). Unplug the opener from the ceiling outlet. Using a Phillips head screwdriver, attach the low-voltage wire to the correct colored terminals on the back of the opener motor.
- 9). Plug the garage door opener back into the ceiling outlet.